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The 2023 By-Elections

Find out more about the By-Elections!


The University of South Wales Students' Union is dedicated to representing the interests of our members and creating change to positively impact the student experience. One of the ways that we achieve this is via our elections, giving our students the opportunity to elect representatives who will work on their behalf to ensure their voice is heard. Following on from a successful SU Leadership Race (which saw a full sabbatical team appointed), we're holding a By-Election to fill a range of vacant part-time postions. 

So, what are the By-Elections and how do they work?

The By-Elections (like a normal SU election) are a democratic process that sees interested students submit a nomination to run for a particular role. This type of election is called when there are vacant postions after our annual SU Leadership race has been held. 

We have a range of part-time postions available that could be perfect for you to undertake alongside your studies! These include:

Student Trustees (three roles available)

Student Trustees are vital to the running of the Students' Union and without trustees, there would be no union! As a student trustee, you will have complete oversight of all the activities of the Students' Union and make top level decisions to ensure that the Union is run for students and is fully compliant with all its' statutory duties. 

- Student Voice Representatives (four FBCI, three FCES and two FLSE roles available)

Student Voice Representatives are responsible for representing the views of student across their faculty by organising campaigns for better academic provision, attending faculty-level meetings and the publication of research on current University practice. You'll offer support on academic matters to fellow students and be part of the formal feedback regarding quality assurance in Higher Education. All SVRs sit on the Student Voice Forum and are responsible for passing Union policy to improve the teaching and learning environment. 

- Student Council (fifteen roles available)

We have a range of student council roles available:

  • Chair of Student Council 
  • Campus Officer (two roles available per campus) 
  • Women's Officer
  • Black Students' Officer 
  • LGBGT+ (trans) Officer
  • LGBT+ (women) Officer
  • Students with Disabilities Officer
  • Societies Officer
  • Sports Officer
  • Postgraduate and Part-time Students' Officer

How do you run for a position?

  1. The first step is to make sure you have registered an account on our website and linked it to your Student Number (you'll need an account even if you are just planning on voting)!
  2. Once you are logged in, head to the elections page and select the role you want to run for.
  3. Upload a profile image and your manifesto!
  4. You'll need one person to nominate you and an ten supporters (using the form on the elections page).

Can I still be involved without running for a position?

Yes! Voting is another great way that you can support the SU and your own university experience, using your vote allows for your voice to best represented by the candidate who you think shares your values.

Keep an eye on our social media accounts for election updates! 


If you have any questions or concerns about the By-Elections, please contact Ellis.thomas@southwales.ac.uk