Undeb Myfyrwyr Prifysgol De Cymru

Course Reps

Course Reps are an essential link between staff and students at USW. By communicating the views of their fellow students' about the course to staff - both informally and at staff/student meetings, Course Reps ensure that the University take into account the views of students and help improve and develop their course.

Course Reps are elected in their classes during the first few weeks of term, if you are interested contact your Course Leader for more information on when this will happen.

As a Students’ Union, we are responsible for training and supporting Course Reps across the entire University, working with academic departments and professional services to help students make as many positive changes as possible.

Course Rep Responsibilities
Talk to students in your cohort to find out how things are going. Attend training with the Students' Union. Attend Student Staff Course Liaison Groups (one per term) Attend Course Rep Assemblies (twice per year) Feedback to students the outcomes of meetings you attend and update them on upcoming University and Students' Union events.

Course Representatives will liaise very closely with Student Voice Representatives and the Elected Officers, and they may consult them on their current projects.

If you are dissatisfied with your Course Rep, click here.