Undeb Myfyrwyr Prifysgol De Cymru

Stand For Election

Stand for Election

After a successful election for our full-time officers, it's now time to find all those students who volunteer their time to represent students on a wide range of topics, both academic and student experience.

For the first time ever, candidates who want to stand in the Leadership Race are able to self nominate, so there's not a huge To-Do list: simply log in to www.uswsu.com, click on your name and go to 'Account/Profile'. On the left of the page, you'll see 'My Nominations' and this link will give you a list of all the positions that you could stand for. Choose the one that's most appropriate for you, upload a photo and tell the world (in 750 words) what experience you have and why YOU are the BEST person for the job. Easy, eh? If you like (and you know you can balance your time with your educational commitments), you can stand to be an SVR and on Student Council, but you can't stand for more than one Council role. And if you want to be a Student Trustee, there's no point in standing for anything else.

All this is covered in the Election Regulations, so it's worth giving them the once over, as is the generic information on what we expect from our elected reps.

For full job descriptions, click the pictures below.

Part time council roles

Student Voice Reps
Student Trustees