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International Day of Action Against Contract Cheating

As you might have seen in our social media, today is the International Day of Action Against Contract Cheating. Academia can sometimes be obscure and difficult to navigate but there are reasons why you want to avoid contract cheating at all costs.


As you might have seen in our social media, today is the International Day of Action Against Contract Cheating. Academia can sometimes be obscure and difficult to navigate but there are reasons why you want to avoid contract cheating at all costs.  

Contract cheating is when a student pays other people to do their academic work. It is essentially hiring someone to study for you, however it is an issue more complex than that. 

At first glance, it might seem like a great idea to achieve your academic goals. It is appealing – get the grades you need without the grind. However, when you walk down this path, you are compromising your integrity and academic ethics. It is a slippery slope with no way back up.  

The heart and soul of university is to learn and grow personally. Contract cheating robs you of the chance to expand your horizons and develop essential skills. While sometimes the assessments set out seem farfetched, unnecessary, or irrelevant; they are not. Lecturers spend hours designing the assessments to ensure that you develop the skills necessary to be successful in the field you have chosen to study.  

And while contract cheating may seem like a great solution for your short-term problems you could very easily be scammed by the people offering these services, and even worse you could get caught and face academic penalties (including expulsion from the course), risking tarnishing your reputation which might prevent you from accessing higher education in the future.  

If you have thought about a way to get one over the university, they have thought about it as well. Universities employ professionals to ensure that this doesn’t happen, and they have plagiarism detection tools to ensure academic integrity is upheld. 

Instead of venturing down the contract cheating rabbit hole, invest your time and effort in genuine learning. Study, seek help when needed, and let curiosity drive your academic journey. It might be a tough road, but the rewards are authentic.  

Resist the allure of contract cheating and embrace the adventure of education. This is your story, and your academic success is a reflection of your genuine efforts and dedication, do not let a mistake take control of your experiences. Be honest and true to yourself and you will find a rewarding journey ahead. 

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Efallai rydych wedi gweld ar ein gwefannau cymdeithasol, heddiw yw Dydd Rhyngwladol o weithredu Yn Erbyn Twyllo Cytundeb. Weithiau gall academia bod yn aneglur a galed i lywio ond mae yna resymau pam ddylech osgoi twyllo cytundeb ar bob adeg. 

Twyllo cytundeb yw pan mae myfyriwr yn talu pobl arall i wneud eu gwaith academaidd. Yn syml mae’n cyflogi rhywun i astudio i chi, ond mae’r broblem yn fwy cymhleth na hynny. 

Ar yr olwg gyntaf, gall hwn ymddangos fel syniad gwych i gyflawni eich nodau academaidd - derbyn y graddau rydych chi angen heb yr effaith. Serch hynna, wrth ddewis y llwybr yma rydych yn peryglu eich gonestrwydd a’ch moesau academaidd. Mae’n llethri llithrig heb ffordd nol fynnu. 

Canol ac enaid prifysgol yw dysgu a thyfu yn bersonol. Mae twyllo cytundeb yn lladrata chi o’ch cyfle i ehangu eich gorwel a datblygu sgiliau hanfodol. Er gall rhai asesiadau ag coswyd ymddangos yn ddianghenraid neu amherthnasol; dydyn nhw ddim. Mae darlithwyr yn treulio oriau yn datblygu'r asesiadau i sicrhau eich bod yn datblygu'r sgiliau hanfodol yn y meysydd rydych wedi dewis i astudio. 

Ac er gall twyllo cytundeb ymddangos fel ateb gwych am eich problemau amser byr gallwch chi gael eich twyllo gan y bobl sy’n cynnig y gwasanaethau yma, ac yn waeth gallwch chi gael eich dal ac wynebu cosb academaidd (gan gynnwys alltudiad o’r cwrs), yn peryglu eich enw da a gall atal eich mynediad i addysg uwch yn y dyfodol. 

Os ydych wedi meddwl am ffordd i dwyllo'r brifysgol, maen nhw wedi meddwl amdani yn barod. Mae Prifysgolion yn cyflogi gweithwyr proffesiynol i sicrhau dydy hyn ddim yn digwydd, ac mae ganddyn nhw raglenni i ganfod llên-ladrad i sicrhau fod cywirdeb academaidd yn cael eu hategu. 

Yn lle mentro lawr llwybr twyllo cytundeb, buddsoddi eich amser ac effaith mewn addysgu dilys. Astudio, ceisio cymorth pryd rydych angen, a gadael chwilfrydedd arwain eich taith academaidd. Gall hyn fod yn heol galed, ond mae’r gwobrau yn ddilys. 

Gwrthod yr hudo o dwyllo cytundeb a chofleidio antur addysg. Dyma eich addysg chi, ac mae ei lwyddiant academaidd yn adlewyrchiad o’ch ymdrechion ac ymroddiad diffuant, paid ag gadael camgymeriad gymryd rheolaeth o’ch profiadau. Bod yn gywir a ffyddlon i’ch hunan a fyddwch yn ffeindio taith wobrwyol o’ch blaen.